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Seaker ROV

seaker rov system
Rovtech remotely operated vehicles

Seaker ROV

The Seaker ROV offers a low cost inspection ROV, suitable for use in nuclear installations, inland waterways and offshore. The Seaker is a robust vehicle and has been designed to be easily maintained by on-site personnel. As all the equipment is hardwired to the surface controller there is a minimum of electronic items subsea. There are also extra conductors in the umbilical to enable optional equipment such as sonars, radiation detectors, CP probes and manipulators to be fitted.

The Basic System comprises:
Seaker Vehicle with:

  Seaker Vehicle with:
4 x hi-thrust thrusters
Vehicle size: 450mm wide x 650mm long x 550mm high
Seacam® colour camera
Seacam® ultra low light monochrome camera
Depth & heading on video overlay
2 x 250w Seabeam lights

Optional sonar
Optional manipulator

200m umbilical

Control console with:
110v input
Joystick control




 Diving - Hyperbaric supplies and consultants

 Dr. Ehab Tomoum :: Email: ehabtomoum@gmail.com

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